喜讯 | 齐越设计荣获2021伦敦杰出地产设计大奖!

岁末将至,敬颂冬绥。齐越设计再获喜讯!伦敦杰出地产大奖(OPAL)Outstanding Property Award London 2021年度获奖名单荣耀公布!齐越设计作品【南昌·湖城大境】荣获英国 OPAL 伦敦杰出地产大奖,建筑设计-低层商业建筑类别大奖,ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN,Commercial,Low-rise,WINNER大奖


— 奖项介绍 —

伦敦杰出地产大奖OUTSTANDING PROPERTY AWARD LONDON(OPAL)是一个全球化的赛事,由全球驰名的FarmaniGroup创立,该评选是一项支持和表彰全球高端室内设计、建筑及房地产开发人才的国际奖项,旨在世界范围内祝贺并奖励这三个领域最卓越的项目创意与工艺。

The Outstanding Property Award London is an international award that supports and recognizes the world's high-end talents in interior design, architecture and real estate development. It aims to congratulate and reward the most outstanding project creativity and technology in these three fields worldwide. 



London Outstanding Property Award






创建时间:2021-12-27 16:27